Thursday, June 2, 2011

Winter Snowmen--K4/K5

Not many things are cuter than a kinder, but a kinder's snowman comes pretty close!  Before Christmas, our Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten classes were introduced to snow...and the playful snow people that come with it.

Most, of course, have not had the pleasure of building a real snowman, so we made our own in art class!

We began with the concept of small, medium and large. I demonstrated the concept on the chalkboard putting the circles one on top of another with large at the bottom, medium in the middle, and small on top.

The children used a 9 x 12" construction paper in blue or brown, which was a nice background for the white paint.  We began with a horizon line with the white tempera.  I had to be sure the kids did not paint this too high up, or there would be no room for Mr. or Ms. Snowman.  They painted the bottom part of the line entirely white. 

Next, the students followed the large, medium, small concept to paint the snowman on the horizon.  One student had hers hovering above.  I just said her snowman was flying!  After this, the kids painted snowflakes using a q-tip to dot.  I had to be sure to demonstrate how to dot the paint and not scribble, although this still happened on some.

The second day of this lesson was adding collage using my scrap paper box.  It was fun to show students how to cut out little mittens, scarves, hats and buttons from construction paper and painted paper (from previous lessons).  I told them to do their best cutting out shapes--triangles or squares for hats, circle-type shapes for buttons, rectangles put together and fringed for scarves, etc.  Some get frustrated with this process, but I try to explain that it doesn't have to be perfect.

Last, I showed them how to tear out a fir tree from green construction paper.  This proved to be difficult for many, so not all have one on their finished picture.  Over all, this lesson was a success, and something of which the kids were proud!


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