Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 1: Art class Intros and Art to Remember!

Harvest Community School art class is officially off and running as of yesterday!

I'm so excited with what I have planned for the students this year.  Maybe I should give a little introduction of myself before I delve into our plans for first quarter.  I am married and the mother of three very gifted and active boys--9, 6 1/2, and  2 1/2.   I graduated from the University of North Florida in 2002 with a bachelor's degree in English and a minor in art history.  If they had the major of art history back then, I most likely would have majored in that, but alas, I settled with a minor in art history.  I grew up in the home of an art teacher, and every person in my immediate family is artistically talented.  While at UNF, I was able to participate in several studio art classes such as Drawing I and II and Ceramics.  I came to Harvest in 2006 teaching middle school English levels.  After the birth of my 3rd son, I decided that I should work less.  The position for elementary art opened up, and God led me to teach this resource class in the fine arts department.  It has totally been a blessing!  

This year we have begun our Art to Remember fundraiser projects beginning the first day of school.  This is unusual, as we normally send these home in October.  Because of the wait for the "art classroom" as the modulars are being finished, I felt this would be a simpler way to get hands-on while traveling from class to class.
Art to Remember is scheduled to go home on September 26th, and orders should be returned to school by October 3rd this year.  After we finish up these projects, lower school will be learning about various ancient cultures.

K4 and K5 will be learning about the cave paintings discovered in Europe and will be doing some of their own "cave art".  1st grade will be looking at several Native American forms of artwork, while 2nd and 3rd will study the Greeks and how art was a huge part of their life!  4th grade will be learning about South American art, and finally 5th grade will be studying Egypt.  These cultures are just a few that demonstrate the importance art played in their politics, religions, and daily living.

Be sure to check out our bulletin board displays throughout the school year!

I also wanted to let parents know that I will be hanging on to many art pieces throughout the school year for the displays at the Christmas show and the Showcase at the end of the year.  I will do my best to be sure all students are represented in these displays.

Thank you so much for allowing me the privilege of teaching your students at Harvest!